Interior INDUSTRY Project Organization


Painless Project Management for INTERIOR Designers


Your Secret Designer - DAT Girl - Jan Addams (Designer, Author, Trainer)

checkmarkAre you an INTERIOR Consultant (Decorator or Designer)?

checkmarkDo you have too many client details to keep track of?

checkmarkIs paper getting out of control?

checkmarkHas miscommunication caused you time & budget overruns?

ish there was a simple system to hold all project details?


Enter CONTACT To COMPLETION™ –  The 8 Step Communication System©
This Painless Interior Project Management Program keeps Consultants & Clients in the know & on the go…

Our custom colour coded copyrighted 8 step INTERIOR Project Binder & System helps you locate important information in 8 seconds or less.
– The Online Training describes the Interior Concept Design & selection of products with a simplified process of purchasing & installation.
– The FORMS Online gives you 15 Forms to fill in and print upon need they are colour coded in the 8 Step process order that you absolutely NEED when creating an interior or exterior space!
– The C2C View Binder helps you locate important information in 8 seconds or less.
Be the unconsciously competent professional that saves time, energy & money…


Two – Four Day Training Seminars are available in Vancouver, BC to help you from Initial CONTACT and the reoccurring communication that happens via phone, fax, email or mail – usually at an inconvenient time.  Use these steps to keep you focused, authentic and current.  Realise tangible success by controlling your paper, time and profit while remaining passionate about what you do – the world needs your talent to beautify it!



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