Set Goals or New Year’s Resolutions that work

Too Many DetailsAt this time of year I usually have good intentions to set goals to help me become better in the New Year.  Either it is get more in touch with my ‘inner spiritual self‘; get on a new health regime to become more fit & lose weight; to spend more time with my family & friends; to read more; to create something that of valuable that others can enjoy and to make more money so I can travel more

All these goals are good of and by themselves but, how & what does it look like to actually achieve them?

In the past, I have set multiple goals with great passion and fervour to accomplish them.  Somehow as the months pass I found myself losing sight of the original intent and falling short of achieving them.

Why do I put myself through this torture test every year?  Because I want to become a better person, wife, mother, friend, designer, artist, helper


I have come up with ‘8 TIPS’ I will use to help me Achieve My Goals – Join Me on the Journey…

1. Set 8 Realistic, Achievable Goals to achieve – 2 Spiritual, 2 Mental, 2 Physical & 2 Business

2. Find photos examples of rewards I want for each achieved goal – I am a visual & tactile person

3. Print this list of achievable goals & Post them on the wall with the Photos of my rewards

4. Share these 8 goals with 4 people I know will keep me accountable (1 person for each group)

5. Write the list of Goals in my Computer Calendar as a recurring event every Monday Morning

6. Write my results achieved of each goal on the 30th of each month

7. When I achieve each goal – Celebrate with the Reward ‘I chose’

8. Share my results with others to start a ‘Spiral Affect of Positivity’ – 8 – Infinity…


2013 May it be a Profoundly, Passionate, Profitable & Peaceful One!